1939 – 40 (iii)

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for supper just order Liver Bacon & Chips & Brown Ale.  the latter we had when warning again we had to go  to the Road House Shelter but was allowed to take our ale with us.  a good old shelter under the Ramparts.  couldn’t been much.  a few guns our defence must have driven them back.  got home about 11.30.  just got to bed & had to get out & get under in the dug out.  2.30 all seemed quiet so Dick & I got out & then we decided to get out & then we decided to get back to bed.  all clear sounded about 3AM. 

Sunday 25th morning didn’t wake till the Sirens sounded about 10-o’cl: Dick made tea & brought it down to us.  about an hour & then all clear.  we had a lazy day & 4.45 we went to see Bing Crosby at the “Odeon” then had a drink at the “Clarence” saw Dick on his bus back to Aldershot 8.47.  Margaret & I walked home & had on just got in & was about to go to bed early.  10.15. when sirens wakened us. Mrs Ford our neighbour came in with us & we went to dug out instead.  went to sleep down there till 2.10AM.  wondered if the all clear had sounded but it had not went to sleep again & woke very uncomfortable. in our bones. through sleep on boards.  at 3.15 all seemed quiet so made tea & had bread & butter & to bed.   all clear went at 3.30 but Jerry were overhead all night but we went to sleep, 83 raids so far. 

Monday 10.45AM & although we can hear planes overhead the sky is cloudy that we cant see anything but it sounds like Jerry  two of our planes just shifting like the wind gone over.  sounded like Spitfires.  Margaret & I hope to go out to see photo proofs.  I wonder if we will.  8.45pm Proofs not ready.  no sooner got out of shop & decided on a truck [?] for Margaret as a wedding present from Joan & Lionel & sirens warned us & we spent ½ hour in ARP shelter. in Montague Rd.  Went to Smith & Vospers to Lunch.  just finished second course & Sirens again another ½ hour in Shelter. opposite went back & finished then went & did a bit of shopping & Sirens again we were lucky to get in an underground one for there